
Directions to the Wendelstein by road:

To the Cable car (Address: Osterhofen 90 in 83735 Bayrischzell, Germany):

A8 motorway (Munich-Salzburg), Irschenberg or Weyarn exit, then follow the main road to Bayrischzell - Osterhofen. The cable car valley station is directly adjacent to the road. Large tarmac car park; there is a charge for parking. The parking charge is refunded with the purchase of a cable car ticket!

To the Cog railway (Address: Sudelfeldstr. 106 in 83098 Brannenburg):

A8 motorway (Munich-Salzburg), at the Inntal intersection take the A93 towards Innsbruck, then take the 2nd exit for Brannenburg, turn left and continue straight until you reach the car park for the cog railway (signposted). Large tarmac car park; free parking.

Directions by rail:

To the Cable car: Take the Bavarian Regio Railway (=BRB) between Munich and Bayrischzell. Disembark at Osterhofen. It is a 5-minute walk from here to the cable car valley station (visible from the station, use the underpass)

To the Cog railway: Take the BRB line between Munich - Rosenheim - Kufstein/Innsbruck. Leave the train in Brannenburg. A scenic 30-minute walk takes you to the valley station of the Wendelstein cog railway (signposted – follow the Kirchbach stream, cross the Rosenheimer Strasse, pass the Otto von Steinbeis monument, follow the nature trail and cross Mühlenstraße). Alternatively take bus line 337 or the Wendelstein circular bus route provides a bus connection.

Tip: Presentation of the "Guten Tag-" or "Bayern-Ticket" gives you a discounted return journey on the cog railway!